Catering concept for intermediate and higher vocational schools

With our catering concept FOOD4YOU, we introduce students and visitors to healthy products from Dutch food culture. FOOD4YOU is a breakfast and lunch concept for intermediate and higher vocational schools where students, staff and visitors are welcome. Our principles are flexibility, a wide choice, affordable and tasty, responsible food.

Fresh and plenty of choice
Sustainability is at the heart of our yoghurt- and salad bar and ‘soup for you’ with daily fresh soups. By putting together our own soups from a palette of fresh ingredients, no products are made in advance. This prevents waste and is much tastier. We also offer fresh coffee and tea of certified origin.

Traditional and tasty
We only work with freshly prepared, responsible, artisanal and tasty products. With products from suppliers with whom we make clear agreements on health and sustainability.

Pure and responsible
We believe that we should already take the generations after us into account. Conscious living is largely about eating and drinking responsibly. We like to convey this message from our services. We do so by working with healthy, sustainable and social concepts. With FOOD4YOU, we go for more fruit and vegetables; a healthy and sustainable way of eating that gives a good feeling. We use honest quality products, pure, fresh and where possible organic and fair-trade.

Residual products a new life
We also comply with the guidelines of the Voedingscentrum (translation: Nutrition Centre) for a ‘silver canteen’: a 60% healthy offer. We give residual products a new chance. We use seasonal and regional products wherever possible and strive for ‘no waste’. We also process products that – for export, for instance – do not meet the requirements. For instance, they just don’t have the right shape. However, such products from horticulture can easily be processed in the kitchen. Think of processing them in ice cubes, fusion water or soup!

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Interested in our FOOD4YOU concept?