Van Leeuwen Catering and care institutions join forces!

Despite starting the new school year on a positive note, the second lockdown had quite an impact on us. In a searchfor a temporary solution to the structural overcapacity, we ended up at the care for the elderly in The Hague, something we never expected beforehand. But it is great that our employees can start work in the care sector and thus lend a helping hand in places where corona has a big impact. Ten employees started at Eykenburg Foundation (a professional organisation for elderly care) and three at Evita Care (a home care organisation).

The employees who normally work in high school canteens are now deployed in the homes of clients of the care institutions to help them with everyday household tasks. People from service professions often naturally possess social, helpful and perceptive qualities, which is why this is a good match despite the fact that these professions may not initially have much in common.

Recently, everyone has worked so willingly to create this collaboration in a short period of time. The process is relatively simple and should not deter organisations from entering the conversation. We are proud that this is the way our staff can help in healthcare during the pandemic, where all hands are so desperately needed.

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